Multidisciplinary approaches to the representation of direct speech in Greek and Latin epic

Digital Appendix

This draft of the digital appendix to the forthcoming DICES book collects ancillary materials that allow readers to replicate the authors' experiments and explore their findings in expanded ways. As we continue to receive additional resources from our contributors and to refine the presentation of those we already have, we make the work in progress available to our early readers as an example of the type of content to be included.

A note to referees: because elements such as code repositories and data files are often hosted by the contributors themselves, linked resources may not be anonymous. If you require thoroughly anonymized versions of any ancillary materials, please contact us.

Chapter 2: Vocatives in Homer and Quintus of Smyra
documentation Numerical overview of the occurrence of vocatives per type and per book of the Iliad, Odyssey and Posthomerica, along with notes on the criteria of selection.
data Tables consisting of all words in direct speech in Iliad 1, Odyssey 1, and Posthomerica 1, comparing automatically generated morphological tags from CLTK and spaCy. Each of the parsers has been independently manually validated.
Chapter 3: A Computational Approach to Characters’ Intentional Repetitions in Homeric Epic
repository Data and python code used for the various experiments detecting repetition as described in the chapter. The code, presented step by step in annotated Jupyter Notebooks, allows for rerunning the experiments.

Chapter 5: Between epic and epideictic : direct speech in Claudian’s political poems through a digital lens
repository Data, and python code used for the experiments as described in the chapter. Interactive html versions of the graphs printed and discussed in the chapter.
Chapter 9: Measuring Dialogism in Latin Epic
coming soon Link to code repository awaiting revisions by the author.
Chapter 10: The (annotated) language of the Homeric Heroes. Towards a treebank-based approach
coming soon Link to code repository awaiting revisions by the author.
Chapter 11: Speech style in Ovid
coming soon Raw code and data for each of the case studies is available from the authors on request during the review process. At the time of publication, data and code will be released in a public Github repository to promote reproducible research.
Chapter 12: Speech and emotion in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica
data Spreadsheet with detailed records of speaker emotional states and heatmap visualization.
data Spreadsheet with detailed records of addressee and audience emotional states and heatmap visualization.
Chapter 13: Quantifying Genre. A Study in Tragic voices in Roman Epic
documentation Table with accuracy calculations for the computer-assisted analysis.
repository Code used for the final section of the paper, "Testing the hypothesis on corpus scale".
Chapter 18: Listen to mummy! Epic mother speech and persuasion from Homer to Nonnus
repository Notebooks and necessary ancillary data for all experiments reported in the chapter.
web app An interactive, web-based application containing a downloadable and searchable version of the complete results of our analysis of mother speech features, including graphs and marked texts for every speech in the DICES corpus.
Chapter 19: Using networks to explore the relationship between characters and the words they speak in Homer’s Iliad
coming soon Link to code repository awaiting revisions by the author.